
SysML FAQ: What is new in the OMG SysML v. 1.6 minor revision?

OMG SysML v. 1.7 Minor Revision Change Summary:
  1. Added ExceptionHandler: As per chapter 4.1 of the SysML 1.6 specification document, RaiseExceptionAction is part of SysML, but the ExceptionHandler was not part of UML4SysML. This oversight has been corrected, and ExceptionHandler has been added to SysML 1.7.
  2. "allocatedFrom" becomes "allocatedElements": The term "allocatedFrom" in the allocate compartment or callout notation was deemed confusing for many model users. It has subsequently been renamed "allocatedElements".
  3. ConnectorProperty Deprecated: The AdjunctProperty with a connector as principal was redundant, as it provided the same capability as the ConnectorProperty. To continue to be backward compatible, the stereotype ConnectorProperty will not be removed, but marked as deprecated in the specification.
  4. HSUV Example Model: The HSUV example model in Appendix D of the specification has been completely revised so that it reflects a nominal usage of SysML.
  5. Precise Semantics: The new appendix H of the SysML v1.7 specification adds the precise semantics for specific SysML elements in order to clarify the executable semantics of SysML Stereotypes.
Unsubstantiated Claims:
You can download the OMG SysML v. 1.7 specification, as well as specifications for previous versions, from the SysML Specifications page.

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