
Other SysML Resources: How to learn more about SysML

The following is a selected list of other SysML resources that will provide additional information about SysML tools, training, tutorials, publications, conferences, etc.

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    A web that provides information, specifications, and resources related to the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) open source specification project, founded by the SysML Partners in 2003.

  • OMG SysML
    An Object Management Group web dedicated to OMG SysML, the version of SysML that the OMG has adopted and standardized for tool vendors.

    A web dedicated to SysML tool information, reviews, and news.

  • MBSE Works
    A web community dedicated to Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and its practical applications.

  • MBSE Wiki
    A wiki dedicated to Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) topics, including SysML modeling. The MBSE Wiki purports to support the INCOSE MBSE initiative and the OMG Systems Engineering Domain Special Interest Group.

  • UML Forum
    A web community dedicated to the Unified Modeling Language (UML), the parent language from which SysML was derived. (SysML is a Profile or dialect of UML 2.x.) Here you can find information related to UML specifications, UML tools, UML training, UML tutorials, UML publications, and UML discussion groups.

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